I concentrated on social justice issues, such as race discrimination, during my undergraduate education. As a representative of my Undergraduate College, I attended a National Race Conference in San Francisco, and I also participated in a University of Michigan racial dialogue program at Skidmroe. Working at The Arcé Law Group, I have been able to put to practice my interests in social justice and discrimination.
I have found it extremely rewarding to be an advocate for our clients and to help the attorneys see a case through from the beginning to the end.
In my free time I like to play tennis, hike, bike, and spend time with my friends and family.
- Skidmore College - B.A. - 2014
- Specialty: Anthropology and International Affairs
* Clients (actual clients, potential clients, visitors to this web-site) acknowledge that the Arce Law Group, P.C. ("ALG") works in conjunction with Phillips & Associates, PLLC. ("P&A"). ALG is to pay a participation fee of 1/2 of any attorneys' fees to P&A. This agreement will in no way affect the amount (if any) the clients recover as per any executed retainer. The fee is to be paid solely by ALG. Clients acknowledge that P&A employees may or will be working on the Clients' cases.