New Jersey Sexual Harassment Attorneys

The Arcé Law Group Serves Sexual Harassment Clients Throughout New York & New Jersey Including Newark, Jersey City, Princeton, NJ and New York City

Workplace Sexual Harassment can cause humiliation, emotional distress, and financial insecurity. When sexual harassment victims walks into the law firm of The Arcé Law Group, they come having been overwhelmed by a bevy of negative emotions and experiences from their place of employment. They often do not understand what legal recourse is available to them.

sexual harassment

Our experienced New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania sexual harassment attorneys sympathize strongly with your situation. We know there is no ‘typical’ sexual harassment case. The Arcé Law Group New Jersey and New York sexual harassment attorneys represents clients from all walks of life, including women, men, and transgender individuals. The Arcé Law Group lawyers serves clients from in New Jersey including Newark, Jersey City, Princeton, and the surrounding areas as well as New York City’s five boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, & Staten Island. In addition, we handle cases in Pennsylvania, and Washington D.C.

What is Considered Sexual Harassment in New Jersey and New York?

Under federal law, in addition to the New York City and New Jersey law Against Discrimination (LAD), sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual relations or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. You can be harassed by a member of the opposite sex or of the same sex. Bosses, direct reports, colleagues, maintenance workers, customers, and any person at your place of employment can sexually harass you. As long as the behavior is unwelcome, and considered “severe or pervasive,” you may have a claim for sexual harassment in New Jersey.

Sexual harassment is grouped under two main categories:

  • Quid pro quo sexual harassment — when a condition of your employment is contingent on the acceptance or rejection of sexual advances, this is considered quid pro quo sexual harassment. In other words, you may be hired, promoted, or offered benefits in exchange for sexual favors. Alternatively, you face being fired, demoted, or denied benefits for rejecting sexual advances.
  • Hostile work environment — when jokes, comments, images, emails, avatars, text messages, social media site posts (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) or other behaviors of a sexual behavior creates an offensive working atmosphere, this may be considered a hostile work environment. If you are made to feel intimidated or fearful at work due to sexual conduct, you could be a victim.

Unsure if you have a case? Contact a New Jersey sexual harassment attorney at The Arcé Law Group today for a free case evaluation.

Examples of New Jersey & New York Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment wears many faces. It disrupts work environments and causes distress to employees in many forms. While many of our clients are female, men are tormented by sexual harassment as well and we encourage them to come forward. Some common examples include:

  • Your boss demanded sexual favors in exchange for promotion
  • You were fired for reporting sexual harassment
  • You have been repeatedly asked out for dates
  • You were physically assaulted or touched against your will
  • You were shown pornographic images
  • You were sent sexually suggestive emails and text messages
  • Your boss posted something sexual about you on a social media site
  • Your co-worker asked about your sexual history
  • Your supervisor made offensive comments about your sexual identity

Employment sexual harassment extends to other employees, not just the target of the harassment. So, if you were affected by sexual harassment in your office but you were not the direct target, you still may have a valid claim.

How can a NJ / NY Sexual Harassment Lawyer Help Me?

Whether you work for a large corporation or a small business, you should consult with an attorney if you believe you have been sexually harassed. If you have a case, you might be entitled to compensation for:

  • Lost wages, including past, present, and future wages
  • Emotional distress, including compensation for psychological effects and trauma related to the harassment
  • Punitive damages, which includes additional money awarded to victims intended to punish the harasser
  • Attorneys’ fees, including your lawyers’ fee and legal costs

A New Jersey / New York sexual harassment attorney at the Arcé Law Group helps you file either a charge with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), or a case in state or federal court. We understand the ins and outs of NY and NJ sexual harassment laws. Our employment law lawyers have a wide breath of knowledge concerning tactics commonly used by employers to avoid legal liability. We do everything possible to hold the responsible parties accountable. You can trust our tenacity and years of experience in New York and Jersey sexual harassment cases.

Consult our Experienced Sexual Harassment Lawyers in New Jersey or New York Today

Fortunately, victims of sexual harassment or employment discrimination can turn to the employment law lawyers at The Arcé Law Group for assistance to ensure their legal rights are upheld. If you reside or work in Newark, Princeton, Jersey City in NJ or Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, & Staten Island in NY, turn to a sexual harassment lawyers of the Arcé Law Group, P.C. immediately to discuss your legal options. You can reach us at 212-248-0120, or by contacting us online.

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Client Reviews

Gregory Kirschenbaum is an awesome attorney. He helps and understands clients needs. He was very helpful and attentive towards me. I'll recommend him and the Arce Law Group, P.C. to anybody who needs legal assistance.

Hector R.

Bryan and Greg, I am very pleased and satisfied in the manner that my case was conducted by you two lawyers. I appreciated you all very much. Thanks for a job well done.

Ishmael C.

Arce law group was there for me during a trying time with my former employer the firm resolved my case to my satisfaction.

Elijah C.