Sexual Harassment Laws

Sexual Harassment Lawyers Explaining Your Employee Rights Under the Law

As a working man or woman, you probably know your profession pretty well. At the Arcé Law Group – we know the law. We focus our practice entirely in employment law, with a direct focus in workplace sexual harassment and discrimination. Our dedicated New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania attorneys are committed to offering clients the information they need to know to relieve the stress and confusion surrounding the legal process of filing a sexual harassment claim.

At the Arcé Law Group, our employment law attorneys use our years of experience and deep knowledge of federal, state, and municipal laws to protect your rights as an NY, NJ or PA employee. Have you been sexually harassed at work? Give us a call today to learn about your legal rights. Our sexual harassment lawyers provide top legal representation for employees throughout New Jersey including Newark, Jersey City, and Princeton and the surrounding areas. We also have a legal office in New York City serving NYC employees in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, & Staten Island. We also serve employees in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Washington D.C .

NJ, PA & NY Sexual Harassment Laws: the Basics

No matter where you live in the United States, you covered by federal laws against harassment or discrimination. These statutes cover American companies with 15 or more employees. Different rules apply to government employees and military service members.

Local and state laws against workplace discrimination also help protect workers. New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania all have specific statutes in place to prevent and punish workplace harassment. Your sexual harassment lawyer at the Acré Law Group can help you determine which court to file your claim in — state, municipal, or federal court. Usually starting your claim by filing a charge with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), our employment law attorneys work with you to see your case to the end.

The New Jersey Law Against Discrimination | NJLAD

If you work in New Jersey, you are covered by the state’s Law Against Discrimination (LAD). This discrimination law covers all types of workplace discriminatory acts, including being treated unfairly based on your age, race, religion, background, and more. Although it does not expressly define sexual harassment in the statute, the NJLAD has been interpreted consistently with federal laws. Under the federal law, unwelcome and coercive sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature is prohibited.

New Jersey Sexual Harassment Case Law

Case law has set important precedents for sexual harassment victims, particularly since the New Jersey statutes are a little vague. This means that certain landmark cases paved the way for future cases, giving victims some very important rights.

Here are a few important precedents set through case law: The Court specifically held that a plaintiff in a sexual harassment action must demonstrate that the “complained of conduct :

  • would not have occurred but for the employee’s gender;
  • It was severe or pervasive enough to make a reasonable woman believe that the conditions of employment are altered and the working environment is hostile or abusive.”
  • Sexual harassment need not be sexual in nature. If someone made offensive comments about your sex, or men or women in general, it could be harassment.
  • Your employer may be held liable for a supervisor’s conduct in creating a hostile work environment when acting either within or outside the scope of his or her employment.
  • When a supervisor has subjected an employee to sexual harassment, the employer is strictly liable for equitable relief. Equitable damages include back-pay, promotions, and reinstatement to your former position if fired.

Don’t let confusing laws discourage you from contacting a New Jersey sexual harassment lawyer. Our Jersey City, Newark, and Princeton lawyers explain your rights in plain language. We make the information easy to understand and digest.

New York Sexual Harassment Law | NYHRL

The New York State Human Rights Law protects employees from workplace discrimination based on their age, creed, race, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status, disability, military status, domestic violence victim status, arrest record, conviction record, and predisposing genetic characteristics. Discrimination based on sex or sexual orientation may be considered sexual harassment. The Human Rights Law sees sexual harassment as a form of sex-based discrimination. Sex-based discrimination is illegal and may be compensable by law.

If you lived in New York City, you are also protected by the NYC Human Rights Law. This municipal law offers even more liberal protections for NYC workers. To be protected by the New York City Human Rights Law, which governs sexual harassment and discrimination standards in NYC, the company or organization must have four or more employees. According to the statute, you cannot be treated differently or unfairly based on your sex, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, ethnicity, pregnancy or disability.

Pennsylvania Sexual Harassment Law | PHRA

Pennsylvania Sexual Harassment guidelines set forth by the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act allows P.A. employees to hold their employer liable for instances of sexual harassment that occur in the workplace. The PHRA defines sexual harassment as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:

  • Submission to sexual favors is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment.
  • Submission to or rejection of sexual conduct is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting the individual
  • The sexual conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.

The Philadelphia sexual harassment lawyers at the Arcé Law Group represents PA employees who have been victims of sexual harassment in legal claims against their employers. We offers a free initial consultation to review your claim of sexual harassment.

At the Arcé Law Group our Expert New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania Sexual Harassment Lawyers are Ready to Fight for Your Employee Rights

The highly qualified attorneys at the Arcé Law Group are on your side. We strictly represent plaintiffs in Newark, Jersey City, Princeton, Woodbridge, Edison and throughout New Jersey, as well as New York City’s five boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, & Staten Island, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Washington D.C.. Our employment law lawyers believe in stand up for people who feel they do not have a voice. Call us today at 212-248-0120 or contact us online to schedule your free initial consultation. At the Arcé Law Group in most cases we do not charge a fee unless we recover for for you.

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Client Reviews

Gregory Kirschenbaum is an awesome attorney. He helps and understands clients needs. He was very helpful and attentive towards me. I'll recommend him and the Arce Law Group, P.C. to anybody who needs legal assistance.

Hector R.

Bryan and Greg, I am very pleased and satisfied in the manner that my case was conducted by you two lawyers. I appreciated you all very much. Thanks for a job well done.

Ishmael C.

Arce law group was there for me during a trying time with my former employer the firm resolved my case to my satisfaction.

Elijah C.