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Race Color Discrimination Protecting Employees. Fighting Back Against Injustice.

New York Race and Color Discrimination Lawyers

Whether or not anyone likes to admit it, racism still exist in America. Every day hard-working employees are being denied employment opportunities simply because of their race or color. If you are one of the millions of Americans feeling the adverse effects of race discrimination at your place of employment, you have the law on your side. The law offers protections designed to safeguard diligent and determined workers like you. When racial discrimination has caused you emotional hardships and professional setbacks, you deserve to get justice. 

While some instances of discrimination are overt, many are subtle or institutionalized, making them harder to detect. By understanding the signs, recognizing their impact, and taking action to seek justice, you can stand up against this harmful practice and protect your rights. Our lawyers have been fighting race and color discrimination on behalf of employees since 2011. 

Based in New York, Arcé Law Group also serves New Jersey and Philadelphia. Call (866) 426-7182 or contact us online today to schedule a free consultation.

Race discrimination can affect all aspects of employment for employees and applicants. This includes:

  • Recruitment
  • Firing
  • Pay
  • Promotion or demotion
  • Overall conditions of employment
  • Hiring
  • Compensation
  • Benefits
  • Pay decreases
  • Overall treatment of employees

Signs of Racial Discrimination in the Workplace

Some common red flags include: 

  • Unequal treatment: An employee might be passed over for promotions or pay raises, even when they have the same or better qualifications than colleagues of other races. They might also receive harsher discipline for behavior tolerated by others.
  • Hostile work environment: Racist comments, jokes, or slurs create an environment that feels hostile or unwelcoming. This behavior can also come in the form of comments and actions that subtly demean someone's racial background.
  • Biased hiring practices: Indicators include an employer disproportionately rejecting applicants of a particular racial group despite their qualifications or showing a preference for candidates that align with racial biases.
  • Job segregation: Employees of certain racial backgrounds may be assigned to lower-paying or less desirable jobs, while others are placed in more favorable positions.
  • Unjust policies: Workplace policies that seem neutral but disadvantage employees from specific racial or ethnic backgrounds may also point to discrimination.

The Impact of Racial Discrimination on Employees

The effects of workplace racial discrimination can range from emotional distress to financial struggles and even physical health problems. 

Victims often feel undervalued and excluded, leading to a loss of confidence and motivation. Chronic stress caused by discrimination can result in anxiety, depression, and other health concerns.

Additionally, racial discrimination can limit an employee’s career growth by denying them access to promotions, professional development opportunities, or high-profile projects. Financial challenges may emerge when an employee is unfairly terminated or underpaid compared to their colleagues.

The harm isn’t limited to individual employees—this kind of discrimination erodes workplace morale and productivity and contributes to a culture of inequity.

Empowering Employees to Take Action

See how we've helped professionals fight back against harassment and retaliation
  • “Highly recommended and compassionate service.”
    “Definitely highly recommended - you will not be disappointed.”
    - Melissa O.
  • “The Best”
    “He was patient with me through this whole process and answered my million and one questions, which made me feel at ease knowing I made the right decision in choosing him to assist me.”
    - Elaine M.
  • “I Would Recommend This Firm Hands Down”
    “My lawyer Laura was so kind and sweet she made me feel like I knew her for years.”
    - Jeancarlos S.
  • “Kind & Patient”
    “It was clear from our first phone call that Gregory Kirschenbaum’s compassion and devotion to his line of work were unfeigned.”
    - Brianna M.
  • “Friendly & Supportive”
    “Went to Arce Law Group for my Employment Discrimination case and was taken aback by the care and hard work put into my case.”
    - Mitchell M.
  • “Swiftly Replied”
    “Mr.Arce not only swiftly replied to my inquiry, but he also spent the time to write out a detailed response to my inquiry and guide me and how to proceed forward.”
    - Paul C.
  • “Best Possible Outcome”
    “Max Bracero was my attorney and I recommend him to anyone who needs an employment lawyer.”
    - Lydia K.
  • “Professionalism with A Personal Touch”
    “He was very thorough in advising and helping me understand my case.”
    - Al C.

Seeking Justice for Racial Discrimination at Work

If you suspect you’ve been a victim of racial or color discrimination, it’s important to act. Here’s how you can stand up for your rights:

Contact Arcé Law Group

Our experienced attorneys can help you understand your rights, assess your case, and develop a strategy for pursuing justice. We work on contingency, so we don’t get paid unless we get a financial settlement for our clients. That means when we take a case, we believe we can win. You can be confident in the legal advice you get from our office in assessing your case. 

Document the  Discrimination

Keep a detailed record of discriminatory incidents, including dates, descriptions, and any communications or behavior involved. We can help you organize this documentation to strengthen your case.

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Take the First Step Toward Justice If you’ve experienced sexual harassment, retaliation, or workplace misconduct, you don’t have to face it alone. Contact Arce Law Group today for a free, confidential consultation. We’ll listen, guide you through your options, and fight to protect your rights.