Philadelphia Sexual Harassment Lawyers

In Philadelphia, sexual harassment at work means more than overstepping lines and crossing boundaries – it makes you feel unsafe, threatened, and intimidated. And sexual harassment at your Philadelphia job site is more than just an annoyance: it’s illegal. Being subjected to unwelcome advances, being physically touched against your will, or enduring explicit comments has serious negative repercussions in your professional, social, and family life. But you don’t have to take it anymore. Help is available.

You should always feel safe in your place of employment. That’s why the Philadelphia sexual harassment attorneys at the Arcé Law Group fight on behalf of victims of employment sexual harassment like you. If you’ve been exposed to inappropriate sexual behavior in your Philadelphia, PA workplace, contact one of our experienced Philadelphia sexual harassment attorneys today at (215) 239-3036 for a no-cost consultation. You may be entitled to compensation. At the Arcé Law Group, in most cases we accept no upfront fees and only get paid if we successfully recover money on your behalf. *

What is Considered Workplace Sexual Harassment in Philadelphia, PA?

Sexual harassment is more than being offered a promotion for sleeping with your boss. It includes a whole host of inappropriate behaviors including:

  • Unwelcome sexual advances from a supervisor or coworker
  • Inappropriate sexual jokes and comments
  • Lewd gifts
  • Being asked out on dates repeatedly
  • Unwelcome physical contact
  • Being denied an employment benefit (raise, promotion, etc.) for not submitting to sexual requests
  • Being offered employment benefits (raise, promotion, etc.) in exchange for sexual favors
  • Inappropriate inquiries about your personal life
  • Disparaging comments about your gender

The above is but a small list – sexual harassment is far more inclusive than you may think. In fact, federal and state laws from workplace gender discrimination and harassment protect you. You may be able to take legal action against your employer (or former employer) if the harassment has negatively affected your professional, emotional, financial, and social well-being. Speak with your Philadelphia sexual harassment lawyer to learn if you may have a viable claim.

When can Sex Harassment or Gender Discrimination Occur?

Workplace harassment doesn’t just happen from the hours of 9-5. It can occur:

  • During a job interview
  • During the hiring process
  • In your office
  • On a job site
  • At your place of business
  • At a company event
  • In a client or customer’s office
  • On a company outing

You should also know, to qualify as harassment under the law, the exchanges don’t necessarily have to occur between you and your boss. This means that sexual harassment between a supervisor and subordinate is only one form of harassment. The law protects you from harassment from:

  • Co-workers
  • Supervisors
  • Superiors
  • Clients and customers
  • Third-parties, such as contractors

Can the Philadelphia Human Relations Act Protect my Employment Rights?

Specifically in Pennsylvania and in Philadelphia, workers can count on the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act (PHRA). According to this law, harassment on the basis of sex is unlawful when:

  • Submission to sexual conduct is explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of your employment. For example, you were told you must sleep with your supervisor.
  • Submission to or rejection of sexual conduct is used to make decisions affecting your employment. For example, you were offered a raise for sleeping with your boss or your boss threatened to fire you for not sleeping with him.
  • Sexual conduct at work unreasonably and negatively interferes with your professional life, creating a hostile work environment. For example, constant teasing, sexual comments, explicit jokes, and inappropriate photographs causes you stress, makes your work performance suffer, and creates an intimidating work environment,

If you suffered from such behaviors, your employer may be held legally liable. The PHRA covers employers with four or more employees. Under this law, you may be able to bring a sexual harassment case to the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (PHRC) and may eventually to able to bring a lawsuit a state superior court. Employees across the nation are protected from sexual harassment by Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which is a federal law. Under Title VII, gender discrimination in the workplace is illegal – sexual harassment counts as a form of gender discrimination. Under this federal law, you may be able to bring a charge to Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or eventually federal court.

Can a Philadelphia Sexual Harassment Attorney Help me File a Lawsuit?

Yes, an attorney well-versed in Pennsylvania and federal anti-harassment laws can help you file a lawsuit. First, schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced lawyer. During your consultation, you’ll be able to give your attorney the facts of the case and present evidence you may have. Then, your attorney advises you on how to proceed. You might bring a charge to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), a claim to state court, or a claim to federal court. The laws and processes are complicated. Don’t try to go it alone.

If your claim is successful, you may be entitled to compensation for:

  • Back pay – wages you lost from losing or being forced to quit your job or being demoted, money you were denied in tips, vacation and sick days, retirement benefits, and more
  • Front pay – wages or benefits you might have earned had you not lost or been forced to quit your job or were demoted
  • Emotional distress – if you suffered emotional disturbances, psychological damage, negative social or familial consequence, or any other type of emotional distress due to the harassment, you may be entitled to additional compensation
  • Attorney’s fees – you might get reimbursed for legal fees incurred during your case

No one can tell you exactly how much your case is worth, but a skilled Philadelphia lawyer can help put a value on your claim.

Take Action by Calling a Philadelphia Sexual Harassment Attorney Right Away

You deserve to get justice against your perpetrator. You have the right to stand up for yourself. Let one of our sexual harassment lawyers help you fight back. The employment lawyers at the Arcé Law Group represent clients in most aspects of Pennsylvania employment law, including employment sexual harassment, workplace discrimination, EEOC claims and civil rights litigation. Contact us today at (215) 239-3036 to talk to a compassionate attorney about your case. You can also contact us online.

The Employment Law Attorneys at the Arcé Law Group also represent clients in New Jersey and New York. Our sexual harassment lawyers generally do not take an attorney fee unless we recover for you in your sexual harassment case.

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  3. 3 No Fee Unless We Recover*
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Client Reviews

Gregory Kirschenbaum is an awesome attorney. He helps and understands clients needs. He was very helpful and attentive towards me. I'll recommend him and the Arce Law Group, P.C. to anybody who needs legal assistance.

Hector R.

Bryan and Greg, I am very pleased and satisfied in the manner that my case was conducted by you two lawyers. I appreciated you all very much. Thanks for a job well done.

Ishmael C.

Arce law group was there for me during a trying time with my former employer the firm resolved my case to my satisfaction.

Elijah C.